Art & Enrichments
The Art Program is offered to encourage artists with intellectual and related disabilities to discover their artistic talents. It is a “Life Enrichment Program” and a way for our participants to earn additional money by selling their creations.
Expressing yourself through art can be very therapeutic. With the assistance of volunteers, we offer a variety of art classes that provide instruction, self expression, social interaction, and community awareness.
Beautiful hand designed mosaic stepping stones, painted flower pots, silk scarves, paintings, magnets, and greeting cards are just a few of the unique items you can purchase at both On-The-GO Foods locations.

Each artist has a bio attached so you can treasure their art on a personal level. These items make great gifts because with every purchase, you are helping build self esteem and confidence of the artist and supporting the mission of the Guthrie Opportunity Center.
Consider purchasing something special from our participant’s Art Program and take home an item made with love!
Call 502-348-3989 if you would like to volunteer to help with this remarkable program.